Friday Favorite- Bon Jovi Concert

Summer Pesto Pasta

Ch-Ch-Changes and Pretty Pictures

Friday Favorite- The Vampire Diaries

Vampire Diaries and Vampire Diaries Pictures
I'm veering away from highlighting something you can buy to something you should be watching. "The Vampire Diaries." This show is consistently SO good. I LOVE the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" for all sorts of reasons like a strong female heroine, quippy writing, kick butt action, the awesomest musical episode in the history of television. I even watched "Angel" for years because it was a Buffy spin-off. After Buffy, every other vampire show or movie paled in comparison (Ha ha- paled, because of vampires. Dude, I SLAY me. Ha ha-again!). I tried. Really, I did. But, I do not understand the Twilight phenomenon. A vampire with a soul in love with a normal girl? Yeah, Buffy did it first, better, and their vampire was Totally Hott. I even passed on True Blood. Not interested. I tried and discarded every vampire, supernatural show...until...some internet friends started going on and on about "The Vampire Diaries." I really didn't believe it. A vampire show has to be really good to interest me. I think I was bored one night and thought, "Eh, OK, I'll give it a shot." And, holy heck 1) The writing is excellent, 2) The writing is quippy, 3) They have a vampire in love with a normal girl (actually they have two) and one of them is SO HOTT. Both are believable story lines, 4) Major eye candy, 5) The show is not afraid to kill people, vamps, werewolves. One episode they killed like 12 people and 2 vampires. Awesome. 6) They came up with a Vampire-Werewolf. That is super interesting. I wish Joss Whedon had come up with that first. I don't even consider the show a guilty pleasure, it's just awesomely good. I don't care if the main demographic isn't old enough to drive-I don't care. Watch this show. Trust me. You won't regret it.
Pants That Fit

My friend Heidi has been trying to rebuild her wardrobe for several months. Today she went looking for pants and, things did not end well. I was kind of afraid for the salespeople since she had just finished shooting at the range. Since we don't want anyone to get hurt, let's establish a few shopping rules when shopping for pants. *I freely admit that finding great pants also frustrates me, which is probably one reason I prefer to wear skirts and dresses.*
Friday (Saturday) Favorite-OPI Texas Nail Polish

Come On. That's genius! An entire collection of OPI shades based on Texas and named for Texas, including an (Longhorn) Orange. Oh yeah. As usual, the OPI names are almost as good as the colors; Austin-tatious Turquoise, Guy Meets Gal-veston, Do you Think I'm Tex-y. From the reviews I've found on the internet, the Texas colors are sorbet based and, it seems, that they may be very sheer. I plan on buying several colors or maybe the whole collection as soon as the shopping ban is over. C'mon June 1st! Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets excited about new make-up and nail polish lines?!
What I've Learned
Always keep a plastic bag in the back seat.
When your gut tells you to buy car cleaning cloths and wipes for the car, don't doubt it because you've never bought them before. Buy them---you will use them twice in one week.
Oprah was right, you are wearing the wrong bra size. Yes, even you. You don't even want to know how wrong I was...
When your New Year's Eve starts off with a kid vomiting, your year will likely be full of lots of kid vomit.
Despite the fact that there are 4 very prominently displayed calendars in your house, your husband does not see them. Any of them.
Even that one right above his desk.
Cookies really do make everything better.
Don't ever drive behind an open dump truck with the word "waste" on the side if you ever feel like eating again.
Real Life Bloggers

I've been fortunate to meet lots of amazing "real life" bloggers-I can't even list them all (but most are over there on my blogroll). I'm doubly lucky to now call these women my friends. With very few exceptions, the bloggers I've met have all been amazingly smart, funny, and interesting women. And, most of the women bloggers I come across are gorgeous--the same for the men (just in case Ron or Fred is reading ;)). A couple weeks ago, I was able to meet up with another group of amazing women bloggers, this time all Houston based (or mostly Houston since Cyndy drove in from Lufkin!). Emily and Megan did a great job of arranging everything. I've followed both women on Twitter and through their blogs for some time, so I was SUPER excited to meet them. They were even more awesome than I expected. As was Emily, who I was really excited to meet. She seemed so cool, clever, and witty and seemed like someone I would hang out with in real life. All true. Emily even met me out for a DEFINE class (you know how much I love that studio, right?! LOVE!). Hopefully she's still talking to me because the "stretching" part of class was just as hard as the "strengthening" part of class. Ow. Anyway, seeing her again reminded me that I never told you guys about meeting these awesome (yes, that is the best word) ladies. I'm not going to list everyone here because both both Emily and Megan have great recaps with complete links (and took pretty pictures of me-bonus!). I encourage you to go visit all the awesome Houston bloggers I met- especially since Elsa is going to post her cardboard chair-how, what??

Friday Favorite- Sofft Shoes

I bought a pair of Sofft shoes before I left for Mom 2.0 at DSW. They may be one of the best shoe purchases ever. I can't locate the pair I bought online, they are similar to the ones pictured, but a little less gladiator. You can find Sofft shoes just about anywhere, but DSW prices were at least $40 cheaper than what I am seeing online. Finally a "business sandal." Before I bought them, I was adamantly against sandals in the office, but these shoes changed my mind. Dressy enough for the office and comfortable enough to wear out on the weekend. My shoes are so comfortable that I wear them pretty much every chance I get. In fact, I'm going to wear them today to work. They gets tons of compliments each time I wear them- which is a good measure of a shoe purchase! So comfortable. So soft.
No Shopping Challenge-May
Big News- Trader Joe's is coming to Texas!
*Completely unrelated, the Define Body studio I've raved about before is today's LivingSocial deal. I highly recommend it if you live in Houston. $25 for unlimited 2 weeks, doesn't expire until November (new or fairly new cutsomers only!). Get it now. Email me if you need an invite to Living Social.
Thank You, America
The only thing I can post today, is "Thank You." Once again, a thank you to the armed forces for continuing their mission to protect our freedom. Osama Bin Laden is dead. I give all the credit to the Navy Seal special ops and the men and women on the ground and working intel to find him all these years later. Some have turned this into a political victory or defeat (half of Twitter did last night), it's not political to me, we are safer because of regular Americans who carried out orders. While I'm not celebrating Osama Bin Laden's death, I am breathing easier. One less crazy crackpot in the world. I believe the world is safer today and I am thankful.
"This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done." -Former President George Bush
"The operation shows those who commit acts of terror against the innocent will be brought to justice, however long it takes. So this is a huge achievement in the fight against terrorism but we know the fight against the terrorism and the ideology that Bin Laden represents continues and is as urgent as ever." - British prime minister David Cameron.