Things I've Learned About Running...So Far

I have less than a month left before I voluntarily run 13.1 miles in my first half-marathon. I honestly never thought I'd be at the point where I can run over 12 miles (heck, I was worried about running 5 miles) without dying. I am not a runner. I do not get a runner's high. I do not look forward to long runs. I do not really look forward to any runs. However, I have set a goal for myself, and I intend to achieve it. I'm really proud of where I am and what I've accomplished so far. For anyone else who is thinking of jumping off the deep end and training for a half or full marathon (even a 5 or 10k), here are a few things I've learned along the way:

The right equipment is critical. Good running shoes make a world of difference, as do the rest of your running outfit. Cotton is rotten-cotton undies, socks, shorts, and shirts are not good for running. Well, I guess you can wear them if you like being sweaty and getting blisters. My favorites- Lululemon running skirt, Under Armour unders, Nike and Champion tops and jackets.

Chocolate Gu is good, all others taste like Poo.

A good running music mix is crucial-without Britney, Kanye, and some old school 80s, I don't make it past mile 3.

When running in the summer, bring a towel.

That stuff you feel on your legs when you sweat during runs? That's salt. Yeah, gross.

Leave Gatorade, water, and Gu in the car and refuel each lap (I run around Memorial Park and stop after each lap).

The Galloway 4:1 method is pure gold.

I do not look pretty when I run. If you know how to look pretty while running, please leave a comment!

There are not enough cute male runners at Memorial Park on Saturday mornings. I love my husband, but he doesn't run with me and I need something to look at.

I eat more than I think I have ever eaten in my life after running, counting the two times I was pregnant. I always want to eat the worst foods after I run-like chocolate, milkshakes, and hamburgers...ahem.

Try signing up for a race in the winter or early spring- summer training is brutal!

I am crazy enough to have signed up for another half marathon, but nowhere near crazy enough to sign up for a full marathon.

Do any of my running buddies have anything else to add (T, Alex)?


  1. I just want to know what Chocolate Gu is? Somehow I don't think it's chocolate. Or good.

    But also? SO excited for you to reach your goal. Shall we wait for you at the finish line with a chocolate shake? ;)

  2. Chocolate GU is nasty!! Try the jelly beans! And you don't have to do GU stuff at all... Plain old swedish fish or candy works just fine. GU is serious tummy trouble for me.

    I always sign up for a fall marathon. Stupidity in at its purest, but all of the good ones are in the fall for the yankees.

    I like the salt. Nasty??

    You're NOT SUPPOSED to look beautiful when you run.... actually, I personally think that the grosser you look the more beautiful you are.

    There's a really good article by Kristin Armstrong about the power of women/beauty in strength. It was in runner's world a few years ago. Must go find for you.

    You're teaching your daughters that women are strong and beautiful when they set goals and get out there.

    OK.... so now you have to be my coach and get me going on the blogging.

    Go, Ellie!

  3. I just hit memorial park for the first time yesterday and found it much better than Rice. Loved the wider path and bathroom! I bought a water bottle to carry while I run and it has a zipper pouch so now I don't obsess about how much further to the water fountain, plus I have a place to store my gu. A baseball hat or visor is a must in the sun when all the sweat has caused your sunscreen to run off.

    As excited as I am to actually get to Napa, I can't wait until this thing is over. The pressure of having to run a certain number of miles 4-5 days per week for training is brutal. I look forward to the days when I can get up and be happy with running 2-3 miles in the morning, just like the good old days. :)

    I am very proud of both of us Elz. Three weeks from today we will be tasting wine in Napa and feeling on top of the world for our grand achievement.


  4. My husband is a big fan of AccelGel; he (and my eight-year-old) swear it tastes better than GU. Both of them scare me (the gel stuff, not Wade and Charlie ... usually).

    I'm alternating between being totally psyched for Austin and completely freaking out. Good thing I have lots of time to do both ... Sigh.

  5. That Lululemon skirt is so cute I might consider running...

    I totally identify with the lack of runner's high. I just don't get it, but I do admire it and I can't believe how close you are getting. So cool!

  6. Ummm, I'm at Memorial Park on Saturday mornings and I am a male sexy beast!


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