Friday Favorite- Vintage Clothing

All images Xtabay

My heart stops when I see the perfect thing-for me, for a gift, the perfect hairstyle, etc. Earlier this week I found and promptly got lost in a wonderful vintage store Xtabay, where I found gorgeous dresses, accessories, even wedding gowns like the ones here:

The problem? Xtabay is in Portland. Oh no. I'll just have to stalk them from afar and keep visiting my local vintage stores looking for a great find. At least until I can find a reason to travel to Portland! Have you found any great vintage shops? I'm always looking for fun vintage finds, lay them on me!
Xtabay vintage my Friday Favorite.


  1. That necklace and that red dress. HOLY.

  2. I spy a fabulous wedding dress!
    Another friday's favorite for sure :-)

  3. I can see you in all of those beautiful dresses Elz!!
    Happy Friday Elz- see you tonite.

  4. Great Blog! I want every single one of those dresses!!!


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