Love Thursday- Dentist
My daughter's dialogue for the past week: WOE IS ME. My tooth! My Tooth! Get away from me with your hand. I don't want you to even LOOK at my tooth. No way are you pulling it out. DRAMA-(throwing herself on various substances)- I'm just so Nervous about my tooth! O, woe is me. Repeat a gazillion times. Plus a gazillion tears.
Our dialogue- Please let us just LOOK at the tooth. See, it wants to come out. It's just a little pull, then you'll be done. It won't even hurt. We'll get ice cream. We'll paint your nails. We'll buy you a pony. Just let us get the dang tooth out.
Last night, after more tooth drama, I took my daughter into my lap to console her. And, right when she wasn't expecting it, reached in and yanked that nasty tooth out. Crisis over. Plus, the kid needed something to tell her therapist about when she's in her 30s complaining about how terrible her parents were!
Didn't seem so terrible this morning when she found a nice shiny gold dollar from the tooth fairy.
If reaching in and yanking your kid's tooth out isn't Love, I don't know what is. Because-ew, gross, yuck.
Friday Favorites- Watches

Via Piperlime
Michael Kors- I hate that I like this since I decided after Michael Kors' crazy Project Runway votes (Gretchen and Anya?!) that I'd never buy anything of his, but the man designs nice watches. And purses. ACK! I like how this is classic with a twist.

Brightness & Bluebonnets

Special Event Style

Thanks to Walgreens for underwriting this post. I was paid as a member of the Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all mine. Visit
I've been dreaming of hosting a really cool fancy dress party and wondering what I'd wear. Time for a post on Special Event Style! What? You don't dream up parties and imagine the outfits you'd wear? Weird. My love for dressing up and make-up is well documented. Not unlike a roomful of five year old girls, I love getting fancy. Unfortunately, I don’t get fancy too often. Why do we save the big guns for special events? Why shouldn’t every date night be a special event? Let’s face it; getting a nice dinner out is a pretty special event.
My special event style is a lot like my regular style-just amped up a bit. I go for a little more drama, usually concentrating on my eyes, hair, and lips. Most of the things I use can be found at your neighborhood drugstore. Score! Double score is the sponsor of this post (Walgreens)which happens to be my neighborhood drugstore. Convenience FTW!
The eyes have it
YMMV, but hopefully is better than the results I got the first time I wore false eyelashes to a night out with my husband. My husband looks at my face, gestures around my head and says, “You’ve…got…something on your face.” Lovely. Whatever. I like them. It can be a bit difficult to get the hang of false eyelashes. Once you’ve found a pair of eyelashes you like (you can find full sets or individual lashes at the drugstore!), dab a bit of eyelash glue and play around. A huge tip that I learned from a make-up artist is to dab the glue on and let it sit for a little while before applying. It makes the glue slightly tackier and less likely to run and ooze all over your eye. Oozy glue is un-pretty. Once the lashes are on, apply your mascara. If you’re picking up the lashes at the drugstore, pick up an extra tube of Revlon Grow Luscious (or trusty old Maybelline in the pink tube). I always apply my mascara with a little shake. Does this do anything? I have no idea. But a make-up artist did it once, so I pretty much do it ALL the time now! Use an eyelash curler (I use a Revlon curler)-hold 10-15 seconds. And, BAM! Instant sexy.

A Sexy Smile
Now for the sexy pout. Ha! Like I’ve perfected the sexy pout. What I do know about my lips is to pick up a box of Crest White Strips (Not sponsored, this is just the brand I use) and a red lip. While you’re at the store picking up the lashes, and curler, go ahead and grab a tube of lipstick and a box of White Strips to complete the look. Now pucker up.
Up Dos
After I’ve done my make-up, I concentrate on my hair. A special event is time to try out a special hairstyle. Most sane people would probably test out a new hairsytle before the night of the veent. I like to live on the edge- or am incredibly stupid. kind of a toss-up. I usually end up with lipstick on my bobby pins…clearly I do not learn from my lessons. I always do my hair after my make-up. I think hair always looks better after you have your make-up done. Right now I’m loving high buns and loose curls ala Princess Catherine. I’d love to know what the Princess buys at the drugstore. If the secret to shiny beautiful hair can be found at a British drugstore, I’m booking a flight! Anyhow, I start with slightly dirty hair, a little dry shampoo, and bobby pins. I haven't found a dry shampoo I love yet, but I've heard good things about the Batiste and Psst brands. You can’t tell in the iphone picture above, but I had a high bun that night. That was the first night I tried a high bun; one that was helped by a million bobby pins. Thankfully now I've got my buns down to one or two bobby pins. I use the same basic premise when doing my kids' hair for their special events (typically Princess parties), a fun hairdo and bobby pins. Oh, and they get glitter hairspray!
Do you have any great drugstore items you count on for special event style? Do you know the secret to Princess Catherine's shiny hair?
Friday Favorite-J Crew Drea Pumps

A Magical Time