*Not a paid endorsement, I just really love the card and its mission.
Every year the Houston branch of the American Cancer Society brings together local retailers, salons, etc to offer discounted services and goods to benefit the American Cancer Society. The card requires a donation of $70, which then gives you the right to make purchases at 20% off at hundreds of Houston areas retailers. Tons (from Anthropologie, Gap, to Pottery Barn, and Restoration Hardware, plus lots of local places like Berings). We try to support most cancer research/support initiatives, especially local efforts. We've bought this card for years and feel good donating to this cause. Also, we've saved tons of money using the card. If you live in Houston, please consider purchasing a Shopping Card; it has a great mission. Helping others while helping yourself to a good deal- that's a Friday Favorite.
I took the day off Thursday to get a bunch of very glamorous things done-like carpet cleaning- I might have used my Shopping card today. I might have used to to buy this dress (Sold out online) in my size-on sale-plus 20%off. Score! *Yes, I got my promotion, but the dress was sold out when I went to buy it. The WONDERFUL Anthropologie saleswoman searched and searched until she found one in my size.
The University of Texas in Pictures
Cloudy with a Chance of Bitterness

The Stadium. Usually a place for much celebration. Notsomuch lately.The fountain outside the LBJ Library. I used to study on the right side of that hill in the Spring.
It was really fun to run through campus and not have to worry about an exam or paper. But, it would have been MUCH better if we'd won the game! Remember to stop by Draft Day later for my Big 12 recap.
Friday Favorite- Accessories Edition

Photo via Kate Spade
It’s no secret, I love clothes and fashion. After really looking for certain items over the past few years, I feel like my closet is pretty much what I need. (Except, I really need ALL the dresses from Mad Men, especially the black one Megan wore in the Season finale. Really really need that one). Now, my focus has turned to getting just the right accessories.
While looking at some shoes I adore, I found these bracelets at Kate Spade and I have to say that I love them. I have the black, brown, and pink. There are great discounts on Kate Spade about every month or two and eBay has a really brisk market for her accessories. I love stacking and mixing and matching bracelets and these are perfect to wear from work to evening.
While looking at some shoes I adore, I found these bracelets at Kate Spade and I have to say that I love them. I have the black, brown, and pink. There are great discounts on Kate Spade about every month or two and eBay has a really brisk market for her accessories. I love stacking and mixing and matching bracelets and these are perfect to wear from work to evening.

Photo EmersonMade
I decided this week that what I really needed for my gray and navy suits, blazers, and dresses was a yellow flower, or a red one. I am in love with the pin on flowers from EmersonMade. One of my friends scolded me for looking at EmersonMade saying, “Elz, you can make one of those.” Why, yes, I can. Project-added for next weekend.
Accessories-the perfect Friday Favorite!
Favorite Photo-Travel Edition

*I thought you'd appreciate not being able to see the hand injury on the front page!
Weekend in Pictures
The last few days we've been up to little things:
A little outside time
A little festival time.
A little harvesting our bluebonnets for Fall planting
A little festival funnel cake.
A little Saturday evening speed drive to the neighborhood urgent care clinic.

You can thank me for taking what is the cleanest shot of this... and burying it several lines down.
Don't scroll if you are squeamish or eating.

A little crying.
More details later-but 13 stitches. What a trooper.
A little of this, a little of that. How about you? Any emergencies this weekend? Nope, that was probably just us, huh? Don't worry, we'll return to our regularly scheduled crafting, decorating, and fashion-ing soon!
Draft Day Blogging
Our weekend kept me busy and away from blogging; it involved an ER, my baby, and a door. Thank God it seems to be ending well. Until then, please visit me over at Draft Day Suit where Sarah has found the best picture ever to accompany my Big 12 post-scroll to the end. It really is quite fitting. Aggies may want to only read the first part of the story-sorry ags.
Love Thursday-Colors

Making Our Mark

We discovered this signature in our guest bedroom last night. Em (our first grader) recently learned how to write her name in cursive and is obsessed with writing it everywhere. She has really nice handwriting, so it's hard to not encourage her. This little signature actually made me smile and not just because she has nice penmanship.
I moved fairly often when I was growing up-usually once every three years (my father was in the military). So, I never really had a childhood home. It was really important to me to give my kids a permanent home. (I loved moving around and experienced so many wonderful things. However, I always wondered what it would be like to grow up with the same people/neighborhood.) I chuckled when we found her signature because I knew I didn't have to worry about it. I know that my kids can make their mark on this house and we can keep it. All our permanent marks, visible or invisible, are part of the process of making this house our home. Also, it's in our guest bedroom and fairly hidden, so it wasn't worth getting too upset.
Do you have any marks in your house? My sister in law punched a hole in her wall to hide candy wrappers, notes, etc that was discovered years after she moved out.
Friday Favorite-Rock n Roll Party Paper

Pictures from AutumnLeah's etsy shop
One of my favorite parts of our recent Rockstar Birthday party was the designs provided by Leah from Autumn Leah designs. Autumn designed a wonderful invitation and VIP passes for the guests. Both were huge hits. The only thing I had to do was add the words for the invitations and mail them. I came up with: Come join fans from near and far to celebrate with Em the Rock Star for her 6th Birthday Rock Out Party. The gig is ______, Come ready to Rock Out! RSVP to Em's manager...They turned out really cute.

Autumn customized the invitations and VIP passes for me and had a super quick turn-around. I was really impressed. I usually like to make the invitations myself, but this was so easy and such a big hit that I may use Autumn for all our invitations from now on! She also makes cute stickers, labels, and tags, you should check her out if you need any paper products.
Love Thursday-Rivalries
Big 12 Football Notes

Friday Favorite- Football Ramblings
Have I mentioned how much I love the writers over at Draft Day Suit? They let me ramble on and on about college football. My last post is especially rambly since I have been sick this week and under the influenece of various factors involving the names -Quil, -tussin, and -med. I also might still be seething in anger from a loss to UCLA! UCLA! Really?! Ugh. Anyhow, please go over here and show me some commenty love. There's also a good post on Southern football wear vs. other locales. You already know where I come down in that debate, right?- Football games are for dresses. you look nice to support your team, you hear?!
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