Friday Favorites- Rad Mod

I have some deep thoughts percolating right now- the Pope resigned, Marissa Mayer is being attacked for making a business decision, my family is sick, the Oscars, how amazing Les Mis cast sing is...anyhow, I need to sort out my thoughts. Lately my outlet has been imagining our soon to be done (soon = 4 or 5 months) bonus room. I have two Emilys to thank for that-1) my friend Emily from name5things. Girl has style out the wazoo (her house is amazing) and MAD furniture finding skills. Like vintage campaign dressers that she finds for $20. Yeah, that NEVER happens to me. Well, her skills paid off for me when I got a text from her Sunday saying- "Campaign desk on Craigslist." About 3 minutes later, I had arranged to buy my first Craigslist furniture piece. A legit vintage campaign desk! All I had to do was sit on my hiney and watch the Oscars. Niiiice. Emily got the raddest dresser from the same Craigslist seller. All I needed was that first push and now I am off on the decorating train for the bonus room. I've got a blank slate and a head full of ideas!

The other Emily I have to thank is Emily Henderson from HGTV's Secrets from a Stylist. I've been following her blog since the season she won Design Star and her style is awesome. It's quirky and eclectic and colorful and seeing her work has encouraged me to try new things...she also has the skillz for finding vintage pieces and making them WERQ. Exhibit A-I want this so hard you don't even know.

I am in serious WANT mode. She's selling it next week at One Kings Lane. But her last sale pretty much sold out in minutes. Even if I don't get it, at least I have an idea of what I could do with a similar chair and am on the look-out. Ok, really, I'm going to tell Emily to be on the look-out for me!!

My Friday Favorites- the Emilys and rad mod pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sweet shout out! Glad you got a campaign piece (and that we've now located the CL seller jackpot)! I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for a similar amazeballs chair.


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